NANS JCC Oyo Demands Justice for Isaac Akinola: Calls for Proper Investigation and Accountability

The National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS), Joint Campus Council Oyo Axis, writes to express deep concern about the ongoing case involving Issac Akinola, a student of Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, an hostel agent and a law-abiding citizen, who has been charged with conspiracy and murder under questionable circumstances.

Reports from the student community indicate that armed robbers, identified as illegal immigrants from Togo, invaded the hostel supervised by Issac Akinola. In response, certain unidentified individuals allegedly contacted cultists who apprehended the robbers. Tragically, one of the alleged robbers died, and another was left unconscious. Despite not being involved in the violence, Issac Akinola is now facing this charges, raising doubts about the fairness of the investigation.

It is also worth nothing that as illegal immigrants, the robbers’ questionable stay status in Nigeria should disqualify them from creating issues for law-abiding citizens like Issac Akinola. His role as an hostel agent does not make him liable for the actions of unknown third parties, particularly those he neither invited nor collaborated with. Charging him without clear evidence undermines justice and fairness.

We hereby demand the following:

1. A transparent and thorough investigation to identify the true perpetrators.

2. A review of the charges against Isaac Akinola to prevent the punishment of an innocent man.

3. Protection of Isaac Akinola’s constitutional rights throughout the process.

4. ⁠An investigation into the rights and legal status of the Togolese individuals to reside in Nigeria, ensuring they are held accountable for any violations of immigration laws

We trust the Oyo State Police Command will act swiftly and professionally to ensure justice prevails. This case is of significant concern to the student community, and we believe in your capacity to uphold fairness and accountability.

Yours Sincerely,

Comrade. Joshua ADEYANJU
Public Relations Officer, NANS JCC Oyo Axis

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